本校現正招收2025-2026年度新生及插班生,有意申請之家長可親臨本校領取或網上下載,如有查詢,歡迎致電2487 4607與校方聯絡。
面見非華語學童時,學校會翻譯服務或可接受家長和學童由懂中文的親友陪同面試,協助溝通。如有任何查詢,可致電 24874607 與本校職員聯絡,
或電郵地址:[email protected]
When interviewing non-Chinese speaking students, the school will provide translation services or accept Parents and schoolchildren are accompanied by relatives and friends who can speak Chinese to assist in communication. If any checks For inquiries, you can contact our school staff at 24874607.or email address: [email protected]